Urinary Tract Support

Promote your cat’s urinary tract health with Sleek’s specialized supplements. Our carefully formulated products support a healthy urinary system, helping to prevent common issues and maintain comfort. Keep your feline friend feeling their best by ensuring their urinary tract stays balanced and well-functioning every day.

Our Products for Urinary Tract Support

Gut Health

Probiotic GMX2 Capsules, 55mg

Reviews: *****(4030)

Gut Health

Probiotic GMX2 Capsules, 55mg

Reviews: *****(4030)

Gut Health

Probiotic GMX2 Capsules, 55mg

Reviews: *****(4030)

Top Tips for Urinary Tract Support

  • Ensure your cat has access to fresh water at all times. Hydration dilutes urine, reducing the risk of crystal formation and urinary tract infections. Consider using water fountains to encourage drinking.

  • Create a calm environment to minimise stress, which can exacerbate urinary problems. Provide safe spaces and maintain a consistent routine to help your cat feel secure and relaxed.

  • Feed your cat high-quality, moisture-rich food designed for urinary health. Such diets help maintain an optimal urine pH and reduce the risk of crystal and stone formation.

  • Schedule routine vet visits to monitor urinary health and detect issues early. Regular check-ups can help identify underlying conditions before they become serious problems.

  • Pay attention to changes in urination patterns, such as increased frequency or straining. Early detection of unusual behavior can help address urinary issues before they escalate.

  • Supplements like cranberry extract, probiotics, and omega-3 fatty acids can support urinary tract health by reducing inflammation and promoting a balanced urinary environment. Consult your veterinarian to determine appropriate supplements for your cat's specific needs.Pay attention to signs of overtraining or fatigue. Rest when necessary, and don't push through pain that could indicate an injury. Rest days are essential for allowing your muscles to repair and grow stronger​.

The Science of Urinary Tract Support